
Moore, Marianne

American poet

Ostwald, Wolfgang

German chemist

Ribas, Óscar

Portuguese-Angolan folklorist

Futabatei Shimei

Biography & Facts

Kooser, Ted

Biography, Books, & Facts

Sewell, Helen Moore

American artist and children’s author

Guo Moruo

Chinese scholar

Kimhi, Joseph

European grammarian

Jowett, Benjamin

English scholar

Dow, Charles Henry

American journalist

Isla, José Francisco De

Spanish author

Aleksandrov, Pavel Sergeevich

Soviet mathematician

Skinner, B. F.

Biography, Facts, & Contributions

Coornhert, Dirck Volckertszoon

Dutch author

Blackwell, Alice Stone

American leader and editor

Bradlee, Ben

American journalist and newspaper editor