Plateau Problem
Plateau problem, in calculus of variations, problem of finding the surface with minimal area enclosed by a given curve in three dimensions. This family of global analysis problems is named for the blind Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau, who demonstrated in 1849 that the minimal surface can be obtained by immersing a wire frame, representing the boundaries, into soapy water. The German architect Frei Otto famously used Plateau’s minimal surface techniques to design a lightweight and spacious covering for the West German pavilion at the international exposition held in Montreal in 1967.
The problem of determining the minimal surface for a given boundary had first been posed by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler and the French mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1760. Because surface tension is proportional to area and energy is proportional to surface tension, the problem actually is to find energy-minimizing surfaces. For example, a soap bubble is spherical because a sphere has the smallest surface area, subject to enclosing a given volume of air. The Plateau problem is related to the isoperimetric problem, dating to ancient Greece, which concerns finding the shape of the closed plane curve having a given length and enclosing the maximum area. (In the absence of any restriction on shape, the curve is a circle.) The calculus of variations evolved from attempts to solve this problem and the brachistochrone (“least-time”) problem.
Although mathematical solutions for specific boundaries had been obtained through the years, it was not until 1931 that the American mathematician Jesse Douglas (and independently the Hungarian American mathematician Tibor Radó) first proved the existence of a minimal solution for any given “simple” boundary. Furthermore, Douglas showed that the general problem of mathematically finding the surfaces could be solved by refining the classical calculus of variations. He also contributed to the study of surfaces formed by several distinct boundary curves and to more complicated types of topological surfaces. For his work, Douglas was awarded one of the first two Fields Medals at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Oslo, Norway, in 1936.
The mathematics of minimal surfaces is an exciting area of current research with many attractive unsolved problems and conjectures. One of the major triumphs of global analysis occurred in 1976 when the American mathematicians Jean Taylor and Frederick Almgren obtained the mathematical derivation of the Plateau conjecture, which states that, when several soap films join together (for example, when several bubbles meet each other along common interfaces), the angles at which the films meet are either 120 degrees (for three films) or approximately 108 degrees (for four films). Plateau had conjectured this from his experiments.
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