Hsin-chu, shih (municipality) and seat of Hsin-chu hsien (county), northwestern Taiwan. It lies southwest of Taipei and about 6 miles (10 km) from the island’s west coast, on north-south highway and railway lines that parallel the coast. Hsin-chu was first settled and walled in the 18th century; it received its modern name in the 19th century, when a regular administration was first established. It was an important military base during the Japanese occupation (1895–1945), from which period the present layout of the city largely derives.
Hsin-chu is the marketing and distribution centre of a prosperous agricultural district producing rice, tea, and citrus fruits. The city also has various small-scale industries producing paper, fertilizers, cement, glass, and some textiles. A large industrial park opened in 1980, based on advanced technology and coordinated with training and research at the city’s several technological colleges. A productive petroleum field is nearby. Area mun., 40 square miles (104 square km). Pop. (2008 est.) mun., 399,035; (2006 est.) metro. area, 706,347.
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